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CSG Internship Program


We are currently not accepting applications for our internship program.

The CSG Internship Program is designed for students and recent graduates with a strong interest in environmental issues and California’s government. The program exposes interns to California’s legislative process, implementation of state environmental programs and policies, on the ground environmental projects and lobbying activities. CSG interns take on a multitude of tasks, including staffing legislation, attending committee hearings, researching environmental issues, interacting with CSG’s clients, and performing general office duties.

We offer paid part-time and full-time internship positions, typically running the length of the legislative session, from January through September. For most interns, the CSG internship program is a stepping stone into a career in environmental policy, either through being hired full time at CSG or other employment in the Capitol community.



What CSG Alumni Are Saying


CSG’s internship program provides a meaningful introduction into California’s environmental policy and the state’s legislative process.

Flora Carn at California Air Pollution Control Officer's Association

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Because CSG engages on policy decisions at all stages of the process, I obtained a meaningful perspective on state government that was unlike any of my previous internships.

Chris Mertens at California Tahoe Conservancy

The experience gained during my internship at CSG provided an invaluable basis for the start of my career.

Kris Tjernell at California Natural Resources Agency